Sunday, 29 November 2009
3.4 My Clay Pot Evaluation
What artists, designers or crafts people have you studied?
We have studied Grayson Perry who is a famous artist. He specialises in clay pots.
What have you learnt about their work, what makes their artwork different?
He makes his artwork meaningful and puts emotion in to it
Which of their methods or skills have you used in your work?
I have made my pot about me and my life
What drawings or images have you made or found for homework, related to your current project?
We have found famous work that Grayson Perry has created
In what ways have you used these drawings or images and how have they helped improve your work?
I looked at them and saw different techniques Grayson Perry used.
Which real things have you looked at, drawn or photographed?
We had to look at an ordinary object and sketch it
What different types of drawings have you made?
I haven't made any plans for my pot but i had a basic idea about what i wanted my pot to be
How have these drawings helped you learn about your final piece?
The ideas i had in my head were very similar to the way my pot came out
What new skills have you learnt using these materials and equipment?
I know how to draw on the pot and i also know how to make a clay pot
In what way did these skills help you with your final piece of work?
They helped me because i didn't have trouble creating my clay pot
Looking at your work so far what do you need to change or improve?
My clay pot needs more pictures on it and colour
What part of the project have you done well in and how do you know this?
i think the images i have on it are very well drawn
What part of your project could you improve on and how would you know if you had achieved it? I could add colour on it and also images
Did you keep to plan or did your ideas change as your work develop? I didn't have a plan but my clay pot turned out okay
3.4 My Building & Evaluation
What have you learnt about their work, what makes their artwork different?
his work is based on political issues and the environment and palestine
Which of their methods or skills have you used in your work?
His work always has a gloomy atmosphere
What drawings or images have you made or found for homework, related to your current project? We looked at Wafa Hourani's work and his buildings
In what ways have you used these drawings or images and how have they helped improve your work? We used Wafa Hourani's work as guidence and took ideas from him
Which real things have you looked at, drawn or photographed? We looked at Wafa Hourani's Work
What different types of drawings have you made? I haven't made any plans for my work
What other types of materials and equipment have you used in this project?Cardboard, Tape, Paint, Scissors
What new skills have you learnt using these materials and equipment? It helped me to organise my work with and to use all the materials at its advantage
Looking at your work so far what do you need to change or improve? I need to add more buildings and make it more detailed
What part of the project ave you done well in and how do you know this? It is very bright and colourful
What part of your project could you improve on and how would you know if you had achieved it?
I could improve on the detail
3.4 Monitor own creative activity
Today we did research on the Internet about different artefacts, and found out why they are used and what they are used for.We also did research on visual arts and learned how it has developed over time, and in the past artefacts was always hand – made because computer technology had not developed as yet.Posters are no longer handmade, they are created using things like Photoshop and lots of them are printed out at the same time.
1st December: Investigating Artefacts (PowerPoint)
Our teacher told us everything we needed to know about what we will be doing in artefact- paper dresses- ceramic/ clay pots- Painting backdrop- Building sculptures made of cardboard She also explained about the 4 artists that we were going to be doing research on in this unit, which was Grayson Perry, Michael Raedecker, Elizabeth Lecourt & Wafa Hourani, This gave me ideas what to include in my own work.
3rd December: Investigating Artefacts (PowerPoint)
In this lesson we did more research on the Internet about artefacts for our power points I added everything I found out about artefacts whilst doing my research to my artefact.
10th December: Investigating Grayson Perry.
Today, I did Research on the artist Grayson Perry. I learnt that most of the work he does, is based on certain things/issues that he feels strongly about and t that he is a famous ceramist as well as artist. This was helpful, because his wok is very unusual and individual and this gave me ideas of how I could try and make my designs similar to his and think the way he does to help me.
15TH December: Making clay tile
I went on the Internet and researched on how to make a clay tile to my clay pot that I was going to make.
17th December: Making plan for clay pot
In this lesson, we had to make 3 different plans/ drawing designs for our clay pots so then we could pick which one we liked the most and make it form that one. Then I looked at some of Grayson perrys designs on his things that he has made, and I decided to design my pot based on things that I like doing, colours I like, my local area, and things that I like so it would represent me as the person I am.
7th January: Making Sample pot
My teacher showed us different ways that pots can be made so that we could take that into consideration to help us make our official pot. We made different shapes whilst practicing with our sample pots and we was taught how to use tools to help make our pot
12th January: Completing clay pot experiments
This is the day that we made our real pot and I looked at images on the computer and printed the ones out that I liked and that I thought represented me well, to stick them onto my clay pot and I drew some of my own images on tracing paper, and coloured some in and then stuck them onto my pot. This helped me improve my drawing skills.
14TH January: Investigating Michael Raedecker, Planning Painting
Today we researched the famous painter Michael Raedecker; we used the internet to look at his paintings, to give us ideas about what we might want to make our painting about and if we want it to be an abstract painting or not. As most of Michael Raedecker’s Painting are.
21st January: Developing Painting
We had to come up with a story that tells the story of the painting we were making
26th January: Investigating Wafa Hourani
We had to do research on Wafa Hourani who is known for building sculptures & Building made out of cardboard, and we researched where he gets his ideas from. Then we discussed this, and discussed why we think he makes buildings out of cardboard.
29th January: Developing Building
We looked at his work, then We had to plan our buildings, and how we wanted them it to be like, size, shape, colour etc.
4th February: Developing Building
we was beginning to make our building, so we had to get things that we needed to have like, paintbrushes, cardboard, glue, cello tape, paint, and box cutters. When all groups had finished their buildings, we all had to do a self evaluation on how we think we done with our buildings, and we took pictures of it and put into our folders. I enjoyed making the building although it was a bit difficult to hold the cardboard together at times, it was also fun too.
11th February: Developing Building
Our Teacher told us ways that we could try and improve our work, and we altogether we discussed our work as a class.
25th February: Investigating Costumes
Today we researched Elizabeth Lecourt. She is well known and famous for her designs of paper dresses. I learnt that paper dressers are quite fashionable in the modelling industry
16th March: Developing costumes
Today, we drew up a plan of what we wanted our paper dresses to look like, and what size we wanted them to be. Then we started making our paper dresses. We used cello tape, glue, double sided sticky tape scissors and paper.
18th March: Developing Final ideas
With our teacher as a class, we discussed which type of artefact went the best and one that we enjoyed making the most. And we also discussed any improvements we could make to all of our artefacts.
25th March: Making final artefact
In this lesson we had to choose our final artefact that we wanted to do, and I decided to do a big version of a clay pot I made this decision because when i done my first clay pot i really enjoyed designing it and I had fun whilst doing it.
so my teacher helped me plan exactly how I wanted my new pot to look like as I was unsure of how I wanted it to be as i have only made a clay pot once in my life before. I drew up a plan of how big I wanted my pot to be and what kind of designs I wanted to have on it and also what colours i wanted it to be.
30th March: making final artefact
Today I am making my large pot as my final artefact using clay coling techniques, I need to think about how I join the coils together and how I can make the top look like it does in my plans. to do this I used use clay tools to help me get the shape I wanted and to connect the top part to the rest of my pot.
I enjoyed making this pot because it seemed as abit of a challenge to me that's why I enjoyed it.
1st April: Making final artefact
Today I was starting to decorate my clay pot, I chose colourful patterns because I like colourful things, and different shapes. I looked in magazines and newspapers for images that I liked so then I could either trace over them to stick onto my pot or I could just cut them out from the newspaper and stick them straight onto my pot. And I also searched on the Internet for more images to use on my pot.
22nd April: Completing any work
today I finished my clay pot. I included all the pictures and drawings that I had found on the Internet, magazines, and newspapers and also from the tracing paper. I was happy with how my clay pot looked because how it looked was kind of how I was expecting it to look.
My strength of this lesson was me finishing off my clay pot.
my weakness in this lesson was not adding as many pictures as i wanted to, even though i was happy with my clay pot, i felt that a few more pictures could have been added to make it look a little bit better.
29th April: today I looked at my pot again and evaluated it. I also did any unfinished work that I had not had time to do.
my strength in this lesson was catching up with un-finished work that i needed to do.
and my weakness of this lesson was not spending enough time doing it as well as I could because it was a bit rushed
Saturday, 28 November 2009
3.3 Health and saftey with clay
Health and Safety On Clay pot's
There are lots of issues that could go wrong with making clay pots if you are not careful:
Clay that dries out on the workshop floor and clay dust that settles on ledges and windowsills can become a serious health hazard. Always:
-Clear up spillages before they dry out
-do not dry sweep
-The floor areas in the workspace must be kept clear at all times
The main causes of injury are:
-Injured while handling, lifting or carrying
-Slipped, tripped or fell on the same level
-Hit by moving, flying or falling object
Always clean your area that you have been working in because dust can travel around and it is not good for your lungs.
Wear heat prof gloves and glasses when you are useing the Kiln as it is very hot and dangours.
3.3.1b Health & safety 2
3.3.1b Health and safety 2
Student Book
pp 86–105
Think about any rules that you think should be put in place whenever anyone is working in an environment where there are potentially dangerous substances or equipment.
Make a list of five golden rules that you think should be followed when working in any professional creative environment.
1. Do not leave any machinery unattended.
2. Always ensure I am wearing goggles or any other protective things when working with things that protection needs to be worn.
3. Check with your boss if you are allowed to enter certain places, or use certain things before using them.
4. Make sure you know where the nearest fire exit is encase a fire breaks out whilst you in the workplace and make sure there is a fie extinguisher in a room that you are in where you might be handling things that can be flammable.
5. Always clear up after yourself after using things to avoid accidents.
With a partner, try to come up with a way of promoting these rules to other people who work in the creative and media industries to help them keep safe at work. Write your ideas below:
- Make posters to put around the streets
- Put posters up on busses and in train stations
- Make an TV Advert
- Have an online website which any one can visit
- Try to get an article printed out I the newspaper about this
3.3.1a Health & safety rules
3.3.1a Health and safety rules
Student Book
pp 86–105
Rules and regulations regarding health and safety are put in place to protect people as they work.
What do you think would happen to you if you broke the rules when working in a professional environment?
I could get fired if I was in my work place whilst braking these rules, or I could get a disciplinary.
What impact might breaking these rules in a professional environment have:
a) On the people working with you?
I could put others around me in danger.
b) The people who employ you?
I could also be putting them in danger as they are around me, and I could also be putting them and their job at risk because they could get fired by the person over them/boss for employing someone who is working dangerously in the workplace
3.3.1 Creating an artefact
3.3.1 Creating an artefact
Student Book
pp 86–105
When creating an artefact, you will be using materials and processes with which you may not be familiar.
One of the most important things about working in a professional environment is to make sure that you are aware of, and abide by, the health and safety considerations of that environment.
Once you have chosen the idea you are going to proceed with and planned how you are going to work, you will be preparing actually to produce your artefact. Fill in the following form to make sure you have thought through carefully how you will be safe whilst you do this.
The artefact I am producing is: A clay pot
I will be using the following materials in the production of my artefact: Clay, Photos images from magazines and newspapers, glue, glue sticks, clay spatulas and other clay equipments
I will be using the following machinery or equipment in the production of my artefact: when my clay pot is finished designing, I will use a kiln to make it properly finished and hard and not soft anymore so that it wont brake easily and there is no cracks in it
Will you be working in a special room or environment to do this? No
Are there any rules or regulations you have to follow whilst in that environment? There will be some health and safety rules which will be not to eat any clay, and to make sue that the clay does not get into any ones eyes.
Do you need to wear any protective clothing or equipment when working?
How will you need to behave whilst in that room?
I will need to behave sensibly and carefully
How will you make sure others around you are safe whilst you work?
By ensuring that all my equipment that I am using is near me and not scattered around the place for them to trip or fall over and hurt them selves.
Friday, 27 November 2009
3.2 My Final Pot Research
3.2.1b Problem solving
3.2.1b Problem-solving
Student Book
pp 82–85
If you are to produce a successful artefact it is essential that you are prepared to be flexible in the production of your work. You should begin to think about possible problems you may encounter whilst working and consider how you would solve these problems whilst working. List some possible problems and their solutions in the table below. There is guidance on doing this on page 84 of the Student Book.
Potential problem | How this could be solved |
If my artefact includes using a machine and I cant use the machine on a certain day that I may need it. | Make sure I find out days that I will be aloud and able to use it, or look for another place where I might be able to use machinery. |
The colours I have chosen to use come up black and white and not in colour | Get a range of different colours I could use if this happens |
The Computer could brake down whilst I am doing my work. | - I will keep a copy saved on another computer. - I will go to the library and use another computer - I will save a copy of all work I have done onto my USB Stick. |
For the artefact that I am producing, I might need to use certain machines, but I might not be able to get access to this machine at a time that I need to use it. | Find out what days I am able to use the machinery that I need to use at this place. And find out any other venues that have the available machines that I need to use that I may be able to use. |
It could turn out to look bad, or not as good as I expected it to look in the end. | I will plan my artefact out artefact, so I will know what it will look like nearer to the end. |
While I am working with my artefacts it might not be coming out how I want it to. | I will adjust certain features each time I work on my artefact if this starts to happen. |
Loosing my USB Stick which stores all my work | By making sure that all my work I have done is also saved onto my home and school computer, and send it to my hotmail account in case something is wrong with any of the computers. |
I don’t know what design I want to do on my artefact. | I will do a range of designs and symbols and then choose which one I like best to then use. |
My teacher might not have enough time to help me on my artefact when I really need her help. | I will look for a guide on the internet on ‘how artefacts are made’ and try my best to do it that way. |
Could run out of equipment to use or loose my equipment | I will see if I can borrow any from friends or family just encase this happens, and be extra careful with it so it doesn’t get lost. |
The space that I am working in might be over crowded so I might not be able to work to my full ability | I will move away if the place that I am working in is too overcrowded. |
Have more than 3 ideas | Have a back up plan just encase my first idea does not work |
3.2.1a Managing your time
3.2.1a Managing your time
Student Book
pp 82–85
You will need to be careful to plan how you will use your time effectively.
Taking the best or strongest idea you have identified from the first activity, start to make notes about how much time you would need to complete the production of your artefact.
Write in the activities you would need to carry out and give an estimate of how long this might take you to complete below.
Task | Time it would take |
Look at all of my work again to see what needs improving. | 1 hour or less. |
Start making improvements on the work I think needs more added to it | Under 3 hours. Depending on how much work it is |
Look at all work carefully one more time to make sure it’s to my satisfaction. | 30 minutes |
Research | It would take 1 whole lesson which would be 100 minutes |
Plan | A whole lesson to plan my Artefact which would be 100 minutes or it may take less time to do this.
3.2.1 Generating Ideas
3.2.1 Generating ideas
Student Book
pp 82–85
Once you have been set the brief for the kind of artefacts you are to produce, you need to start thinking about how you might meet that brief.
Recording your thoughts in this process is very important.
Begin by making a mind map below of all of your ideas for ways to solve the problems that the brief brings with it.
- How much clay I will need
- How to make it
- How big I want my pot to be
Selecting your idea
Weighing up the strengths and weaknesses of each of your ideas is an important part of beginning to select what you may eventually produce. For each of the ideas from your mind map, complete the evaluation chart below. When considering an idea, think about the following and decide if they are strengths or weaknesses:
Ÿ whether the materials you may need are available and affordable
Ÿ whether you have access to the equipment you may need to produce this artefact
Ÿ Whether you have the skills to create this artefact (or if you would need to ask someone with those skills to help you).
Idea | Strengths | Weaknesses |
Clay pot | I have a rough idea of how big I want it to be. | It might not turn out perfect |
How Much Clay I will need | There is plenty to use in my school and it is affordable | I don’t have many skills on clay. |
How big or small, or round or circle I want my clay pot to be | Ask my teacher for help | No skills |
pictures | I can find pictures I might want to use on my pot | They may not fit onto my pot |
Once you have completed this activity, you should have a clearer idea about which is the most achievable and suitable one to choose to take forward.
3.1.1b Technological developments
3.1.1b Technological developments
Student Book
pp 78–81
How our lives have changed
Technology has had a tremendous impact on our lives. Think about the way you do things today, and find examples of how it was done differently in the past. An example is given to start you off.
Activity | My technology | Previous technology |
Listen to music | Mp3 player | Personal stereo record player |
Find out what’s going on locally | On The News or Use the internet | Hearing It From Other People, or newspapers, radio |
Access ‘the news’ | Watch it on the TV | By Listening on tape |
Communicate with friends and family | Phone them, Talk over the net. | Send letters to them. |
Entertainment | Cinemas, TVs, Comedians | Theatre |
Games | Video Games On The TV or on the computer. | Kiss Chase, Hide and seek. |
Films | Cinema Internet. TV. | Performance In the public area |