Sunday 29 November 2009

3.4 Monitor own creative activity

19th November: Investigating Artefacts (power point)

Today we did research on the Internet about different artefacts, and found out why they are used and what they are used for.We also did research on visual arts and learned how it has developed over time, and in the past artefacts was always hand – made because computer technology had not developed as yet.Posters are no longer handmade, they are created using things like Photoshop and lots of them are printed out at the same time.

1st December: Investigating Artefacts (PowerPoint)

Our teacher told us everything we needed to know about what we will be doing in artefact- paper dresses- ceramic/ clay pots- Painting backdrop- Building sculptures made of cardboard She also explained about the 4 artists that we were going to be doing research on in this unit, which was Grayson Perry, Michael Raedecker, Elizabeth Lecourt & Wafa Hourani, This gave me ideas what to include in my own work.

3rd December: Investigating Artefacts (PowerPoint)

In this lesson we did more research on the Internet about artefacts for our power points I added everything I found out about artefacts whilst doing my research to my artefact.

10th December: Investigating Grayson Perry.

Today, I did Research on the artist Grayson Perry. I learnt that most of the work he does, is based on certain things/issues that he feels strongly about and t that he is a famous ceramist as well as artist. This was helpful, because his wok is very unusual and individual and this gave me ideas of how I could try and make my designs similar to his and think the way he does to help me.
15TH December: Making clay tile

I went on the Internet and researched on how to make a clay tile to my clay pot that I was going to make.

17th December: Making plan for clay pot

In this lesson, we had to make 3 different plans/ drawing designs for our clay pots so then we could pick which one we liked the most and make it form that one. Then I looked at some of Grayson perrys designs on his things that he has made, and I decided to design my pot based on things that I like doing, colours I like, my local area, and things that I like so it would represent me as the person I am.

7th January: Making Sample pot

My teacher showed us different ways that pots can be made so that we could take that into consideration to help us make our official pot. We made different shapes whilst practicing with our sample pots and we was taught how to use tools to help make our pot

12th January: Completing clay pot experiments

This is the day that we made our real pot and I looked at images on the computer and printed the ones out that I liked and that I thought represented me well, to stick them onto my clay pot and I drew some of my own images on tracing paper, and coloured some in and then stuck them onto my pot. This helped me improve my drawing skills.

14TH January: Investigating Michael Raedecker, Planning Painting

Today we researched the famous painter Michael Raedecker; we used the internet to look at his paintings, to give us ideas about what we might want to make our painting about and if we want it to be an abstract painting or not. As most of Michael Raedecker’s Painting are.

21st January: Developing Painting

We had to come up with a story that tells the story of the painting we were making

26th January: Investigating Wafa Hourani

We had to do research on Wafa Hourani who is known for building sculptures & Building made out of cardboard, and we researched where he gets his ideas from. Then we discussed this, and discussed why we think he makes buildings out of cardboard.

29th January: Developing Building

We looked at his work, then We had to plan our buildings, and how we wanted them it to be like, size, shape, colour etc.

4th February: Developing Building
we was beginning to make our building, so we had to get things that we needed to have like, paintbrushes, cardboard, glue, cello tape, paint, and box cutters. When all groups had finished their buildings, we all had to do a self evaluation on how we think we done with our buildings, and we took pictures of it and put into our folders. I enjoyed making the building although it was a bit difficult to hold the cardboard together at times, it was also fun too.
11th February: Developing Building

Our Teacher told us ways that we could try and improve our work, and we altogether we discussed our work as a class.

25th February: Investigating Costumes

Today we researched Elizabeth Lecourt. She is well known and famous for her designs of paper dresses. I learnt that paper dressers are quite fashionable in the modelling industry
16th March: Developing costumes

Today, we drew up a plan of what we wanted our paper dresses to look like, and what size we wanted them to be. Then we started making our paper dresses. We used cello tape, glue, double sided sticky tape scissors and paper.
18th March: Developing Final ideas
With our teacher as a class, we discussed which type of artefact went the best and one that we enjoyed making the most. And we also discussed any improvements we could make to all of our artefacts.

25th March: Making final artefact

In this lesson we had to choose our final artefact that we wanted to do, and I decided to do a big version of a clay pot I made this decision because when i done my first clay pot i really enjoyed designing it and I had fun whilst doing it.
so my teacher helped me plan exactly how I wanted my new pot to look like as I was unsure of how I wanted it to be as i have only made a clay pot once in my life before. I drew up a plan of how big I wanted my pot to be and what kind of designs I wanted to have on it and also what colours i wanted it to be.

30th March: making final artefact

Today I am making my large pot as my final artefact using clay coling techniques, I need to think about how I join the coils together and how I can make the top look like it does in my plans. to do this I used use clay tools to help me get the shape I wanted and to connect the top part to the rest of my pot.
I enjoyed making this pot because it seemed as abit of a challenge to me that's why I enjoyed it.

1st April: Making final artefact
Today I was starting to decorate my clay pot, I chose colourful patterns because I like colourful things, and different shapes. I looked in magazines and newspapers for images that I liked so then I could either trace over them to stick onto my pot or I could just cut them out from the newspaper and stick them straight onto my pot. And I also searched on the Internet for more images to use on my pot.

22nd April: Completing any work

today I finished my clay pot. I included all the pictures and drawings that I had found on the Internet, magazines, and newspapers and also from the tracing paper. I was happy with how my clay pot looked because how it looked was kind of how I was expecting it to look.
My strength of this lesson was me finishing off my clay pot.
my weakness in this lesson was not adding as many pictures as i wanted to, even though i was happy with my clay pot, i felt that a few more pictures could have been added to make it look a little bit better.

29th April: today I looked at my pot again and evaluated it. I also did any unfinished work that I had not had time to do.
my strength in this lesson was catching up with un-finished work that i needed to do.
and my weakness of this lesson was not spending enough time doing it as well as I could because it was a bit rushed

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