Saturday 28 November 2009

3.3.1b Health & safety 2

3.3.1b Health and safety 2

Student Book

pp 86–105

Think about any rules that you think should be put in place whenever anyone is working in an environment where there are potentially dangerous substances or equipment.

Make a list of five golden rules that you think should be followed when working in any professional creative environment.

1. Do not leave any machinery unattended.

2. Always ensure I am wearing goggles or any other protective things when working with things that protection needs to be worn.

3. Check with your boss if you are allowed to enter certain places, or use certain things before using them.

4. Make sure you know where the nearest fire exit is encase a fire breaks out whilst you in the workplace and make sure there is a fie extinguisher in a room that you are in where you might be handling things that can be flammable.

5. Always clear up after yourself after using things to avoid accidents.

With a partner, try to come up with a way of promoting these rules to other people who work in the creative and media industries to help them keep safe at work. Write your ideas below:

- Make posters to put around the streets

- Put posters up on busses and in train stations

- Make an TV Advert

- Have an online website which any one can visit

- Try to get an article printed out I the newspaper about this

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