Saturday 28 November 2009

3.3.1 Creating an artefact

3.3.1 Creating an artefact

Student Book

pp 86–105

When creating an artefact, you will be using materials and processes with which you may not be familiar.

One of the most important things about working in a professional environment is to make sure that you are aware of, and abide by, the health and safety considerations of that environment.

Once you have chosen the idea you are going to proceed with and planned how you are going to work, you will be preparing actually to produce your artefact. Fill in the following form to make sure you have thought through carefully how you will be safe whilst you do this.

The artefact I am producing is: A clay pot

I will be using the following materials in the production of my artefact: Clay, Photos images from magazines and newspapers, glue, glue sticks, clay spatulas and other clay equipments

I will be using the following machinery or equipment in the production of my artefact: when my clay pot is finished designing, I will use a kiln to make it properly finished and hard and not soft anymore so that it wont brake easily and there is no cracks in it

Will you be working in a special room or environment to do this? No

Are there any rules or regulations you have to follow whilst in that environment? There will be some health and safety rules which will be not to eat any clay, and to make sue that the clay does not get into any ones eyes.

Do you need to wear any protective clothing or equipment when working?


How will you need to behave whilst in that room?

I will need to behave sensibly and carefully

How will you make sure others around you are safe whilst you work?

By ensuring that all my equipment that I am using is near me and not scattered around the place for them to trip or fall over and hurt them selves.

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